Jenni is a seer, guide, and a healer. She also is a psychoanalyst, a psychic medium, channel and a wisdom teacher. Often deemed a spiritual midwife, Jenni is helping birth souls into new consciousness. She has found her psychic home working in the “in between realms”, where she works as a guide of souls journeying to the archetypal realms of the psyche.
Jenni is passionate about guiding individuals back to the soul — the truth of who they are — their inner gold. Jenni is a channel, a mystic, a partner in Christ consciousness, a student of psychic phenomena, cosmic awareness and synchronicity. The secret lies in harmonizing the sacred and the mundane—as we are both human and divine.
Although Jenni holds double masters degree in Clinical Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy, with specialties in Complex PTSD, Sex Therapy and Early Childhood Trauma, her therapeutic modalities extend far beyond the scope of behavioral psychology and were not learned in school. But rather, Jenni was called by her own trauma to traverse the depths of the unconscious toward individuation and self love. Jenni’s guiding principles come from wisdom gained through her own inner alchemical process. From each traumatic experience, she became aquainted with suffering and the paradoxical benefits and spiritual gifts received from it. Experience is a teacher. Jenni’s groundbreaking work in the mother archetype/complex as well as her extensive work in sex therapy offers insights into multigenerational cycles of dysfunction in feminine consciousness in patriarchal society.
Jenni has had two near death experiences and knows there is no death—only the transmutation of energy. Understanding that each human is also divine, she has made it her goal is to assist individuals to answer the call and discover their purpose, granting meaning.
Experience has led Jenni to partner holistically with clients rather than diagnose disorders. Each stigmatizing diagnosis originates in trauma, conscious or unconscious. Jenni’s therapeutic treatment plan is developed based on each client’s needs. This process dives deep into the archetypal realms deep in the psyche and aims to balance the masculine and feminine energies within each individual. A learned disciple of CG Jung, Jenni integrates psychoanalysis and spirituality and firmly holds to the truth that “you have to feel it to heal it.”
masculine and feminine energy balancing
psychic mediumship
channeling Spirit and guides
spiritual gifts discovery
family systems/dynamics
mother complexes
chakra energy systems
dream interpretation
world religions
biblical knowledge/translations
plant medicine
psychological patterns/complexes
certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy
Jungian personality typology
energy healing
mythological archetypes
paradox and synchronicity
Jenni is eager to unwrap the gift of uniqueness of each individual who seeks to evolve from dualism to the sacred union of opposites. Jenni currently lives in mystical New Mexico and is quoted often saying: “Love—when it’s real—never goes away. Ever.”